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What are the virtues of the Diamond?

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What are the virtues of the Diamond ?


A legend claims that the God of Mines called his courtiers to gather all the known precious stones in the world: Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc., and he found them in all shades and colors and different hardness. He took one of each and crushed them; he composed them together, and declared: "Let this be something that combines the beauty of all." He spoke, and behold the diamond was born... pure as a dewdrop and with invincible hardness. Yet, when its ray is resolved in the spectrum, it displays all the colors of the precious stones from which it is derived.

Although it is a winter gemstone, the color of ice, the diamond is a crystal of light; its high-frequency energy is dispersed in shimmering prisms of brilliant "fire" that characterize the sun. It is a spiritual stone, a symbol of perfection and illumination, which activates the crown and etheric chakras. Elle Improves inner vision and stimulates creativity, imagination, and ingenuity, opening the mind to the "new" and the "possible". Placed on the third eye, a diamond encourages psychic development, and is a valuable tool for remote viewing, telepathic communication, and clairvoyance.

In addition to its spiritual power, the diamond has ainvincible hardness and has been known since antiquity as an "invincibility stone", bringing its wearer victory, superior strength, moral strength and courage. Elle is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its protective properties. It is a symbol of wealth and a manifestation of abundance in life, an amplifier of energies, goals and intentions, and it is very effective in amplifying the vibrations of other crystals for healing. It is particularly beneficial when set in gold and worn on the left arm.

The diamond, in its rarity and beauty, is a symbol of purity and innocence, of love and fidelity, and encompasses strength of character, ethics, and fidelity to oneself and others. It indicates the loving and open nature with which one came into the physical world, and encourages the aspect of truth and trust. It is a crystal bearer of love, considered in antiquity to be reliable in its virtues only when received as a gift. Today, the engagement ring, the wedding ring and other jewelry items symbolize the gift of people in love.

Perfect in its structure, the diamond is considered the "king of precious stones", unique in its powers of reflection and light dispersion, and the hardest known natural substance. Composed of pure carbon, the foundational element of life, it is the one and only "10" on the hardness scale, crystallized in the depths of the earth's mantle under intense heat and pressure. Its name is derived from the Greek adamas, which means "untamable", "unbreakable" or "indomitable", and diaphanus, which means "transparent".

The crystal symmetry of a diamond is cubic, forming in a variety of octahedrons, triangles, cubes, and amorphous shapes. It can be transparent, translucent, or opaque, with a greasy luster and perfect cleavage. The diamond is most often considered colorless, although it also comes in white, black, and various shades of yellow, brown, blue, green, pink, red, champagne brown, cognac brown, and very rarely, lilac. While high-quality diamonds are carefully cut into gems and used in jewelry, lower-quality diamonds are used in industrial applications, notably for cutting and polishing. For metaphysical use, diamond crystals are preferred over cut diamonds because their natural shape strengthens and harmonizes the energies flowing through them.

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Uses and purposes of the diamond

Diamonds are excellent conductors and amplifiers of energy, absorbing thoughts and feelings to then radiate them outwards. Stay positive when you hold or wear diamonds in order to project positive thoughts around you and attract a positive reaction from others. They can be useful in the workplace to create a friendly atmosphere, or to broaden the field of possibilities by attracting prosperity. However, be aware that diamonds amplify negative energies as well as positive ones, and although they never need to be recharged, it's a good idea to cleanse their energies from time to time.

The diamond is a symbol of wealth, accumulation, and manifestation of abundance. It is also an ideal stone for the ascetic who has renounced material wealth, choosing it instead as an object of diligent contemplation and deep meditation. The fact thatelle Must be cut to reveal its beauty is comparable to the inner and spiritual beauty of the human being.

Diamond crystals help to alleviate fear and anxiety, hyperactive imaginations, and hallucinations. They are excellent for cleaning a room before bedtime to prevent nightmares, and can be used to clear an area of unwanted entities.

The Rough Diamond elixir is wonderful for countering exhaustion. Add a few drops into the bath to replenish energy. Raw crystals are ideal for healing to bring the clarity of energy to any part of the body or any level of the energy field. Faceted gemstones can be used to infuse the aura with full spectrum light energy, reflecting all hues and frequencies for strengthening and purification.

Physical healing energy of the diamond

The diamond is considered a master healer for its ability to unify the mind and body. It is primarily used as a support stone, amplifying the powers of other minerals when working on specific issues, especially when energy congestion has caused a physical imbalance.

The diamond is beneficial for purifying and strengthening brain function, nerves, and sensory organs. It is believed to help balance the brain's hemispheres, and it is good for strokes, epilepsy, combatting cell aging and restoring energy levels. Elle should be avoided in cases of paranoid psychosis, depressive mania, and obsessive jealousy.

Diamonds have been used to treat constipation, urinary retention, and generally all organs involved in the elimination of waste from the body. Applying a diamond to the kidneys is believed to speed up the removal of kidney stones. As the effect persists after elimination, it is recommended to proceed with short sessions of five minutes.

Emotional Healing Energy of the Diamond

Although diamonds do not directly affect the emotional body, their intense energy can amplify the power of any emotional state, from bliss to despair, and must be worn with caution. It may even be necessary to remove them if one is in a particularly bad state of mind. However, diamonds infuse all levels of the energetic self with light and can be used for therapeutic purposes to intensify and "burn" underlying emotional issues, allowing one to feel lighter, happier, and more aligned with the Spirit.

Diamond healing energy and chakra balancing

The diamond carries a high-frequency energy that stimulates and opens all the chakras, especially the crown and etheric chakras.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head, and is our gateway to the expansive universe beyond our body. It controls our way of thinking and reacting to the world around us. It is the source of our beliefs and the source of our spirituality. Elle connects us to the higher planes of existence and is the source of universal energy and truth. When the Crown is balanced, our energies are balanced. We know our place in the universe and see things as they are.

The etheric chakras are considered to be above the head and are in tune with higher, more spiritually enlightened things. They embody true humility and provide a connection with the soul, the highest self-illumination, and a cosmic door to other worlds. [Diamonds, in particular, identify with the immortal part of the self, personal identification with the infinite, unity with God, peace, and wisdom.

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Spiritual energy of the diamond

For anyone who has lost their identity or self-esteem, who is confused, hesitant or unable to step into their spiritual destiny in this life, the diamond brings a sense of radiance, a loving energy that cleanses the aura and fills the void with purity and light. It establishes a connection with the Divine and, as the necessary evolution and growth manifest in the heart, it allows the light of the soul to shine and be shared with others.

The diamond also encourages us to look at the struggles and trials of life and see if the lessons and growth they have provided can be used positively. The Diamond gives strength to face high-pressure situations and helps to respond with grace. It asks us to be a model of soul strength in adversity and helps us understand that it is in these difficult times that our behavior reveals our true inner beauty and the knowledge of our soul.

Diamond color energy

The clear and colorless diamond is not influenced by the energy of colors; it is rather a stone of light, an ideal prism, which diffuses all the colors of the spectrum.

Diamonds also form in many colors, which add their own unique properties to the energy of the stone.

Meditation with the diamond

Diamond crystals are perfect transducers, allowing high-frequency vibrational energies from spiritual realms to be more accessible to the conscious self. Used in meditation, especially when placed on the third eye, these crystals facilitate entry into meaningful visionary states and can increase a person's psychic powers. Placing a second diamond on the heart activates the energy circuit between the two vital centers and influences them to act in synergistic union as nature intended.

Divination by diamonds

The divinatory meaning of the diamond: Proof of your abilities will come from an unexpected source.

Dreaming of diamonds signifies victory over enemies.

The diamond and the angelic kingdom

Diamonds often carry the energies of angelic beings who are aligned with courage and Light, and inspire us to bravely express our most sacred self. If your birth date falls in one of the following periods, a colorless diamond may be a valuable channel to your guardian angel. The table also indicates the name of the Guardian Angel of people born during this period.

There are other angels who have a weakness for diamonds. The table below provides information about them.

Diamond Goddess

Diamonds honor Angerona, the Roman goddess of silence, and the goddess of the winter solstice. Elle is not only the protector of secrets, but also elle brings the birth of the new year.

Clear crystals can also be used to honor Kundalini, the Hindu goddess of life force, and Latona, the Roman goddess of light.


The diamond is the traditional birthstone for the month of April.. Some beliefs suggest that the birthstone for the month of April is the white sapphire.

Diamond talismans and amulets

The diamond has been used since antiquity as a talisman against cowardice. It is traditionally worn against the skin for courage and to strengthen invulnerability. It gathers strength with age, and brings emotional and intellectual confidence.

The diamond is a crystal of enhancement and purification. Enhancers have internal crystalline networks of perfect cubic symmetry and internal harmony. As "building block" talismans, their internal structure helps to focus our efforts on building on our successes and improving our lives. They concentrate our energy on the improvements we desire and on the thought patterns that will produce the actions necessary for their realization.

Purifiers are the natural elements of nature. Only a few of them, such as gold, silver, copper, sulfur and carbon (in the form of diamond), are found in their pure state and can be used as talismans. They carry the power of the earth to help us achieve goals where a higher purpose transcends our personal needs. They encourage truth and honor, patience and courage, and protect innocence. They inspire spiritual growth and assist us in our quests to remain faithful to a partner or an ideal.

Diamond Feng Shui

Diamond crystals are perfect "energy dispersers" in any window. As a natural prism, they capture the light and energy of the sun and freely disperse them in the room. They offer an inner solar world for warmth, strength, and vitality.

The diamond in ancient traditions and legends

The diamond is considered by many as the "king of gemstones" and, in antiquity, it was often associated with the pearl which was its queen. The famous mineralogist George Kunz stated: "The diamond is to the pearl what the sun is to the moon... the diamond, like a knight of old - shining and resilient, is the emblem of fearlessness and invincibility; the pearl, like a lady of old - pure and beautiful to behold, is the emblem of modesty and purity."

For the eastern world, the Diamond had a wonderful power to bring good fortune. A fourteenth-century mystic, Rabbi Benoni, believed that its magic induced sleepwalking, but as a talisman, it so strongly attracted planetary influences that it made its wearer invincible. It was also believed to induce a state of spiritual ecstasy.

The Hindus classified diamonds according to the four castes. The Brahmin's diamond should have the whiteness of a shell or a rock crystal. It gave power, friends, wealth, and luck. The Kshatriya should be brown like a hare's eye, and it prevented the approach of old age. The Vaisya should resemble the shadow of a kadali flower petal and brought success, while the Sudra should be the shine of a polished blade and brought all kinds of good fortune.

The diamond was often associated with lightning and its prevention, and it was thought to owe its origin to the lightning bolt. It was also called the "gem of reconciliation", as it strengthened a husband's love for his wife. The diamond was chosen to correspond to celestial bodies for its astrological influence, often the sun, sometimes Venus, and according to ancient authors, it was the distinctive talisman of Saturday (Saturn's day), as it was produced from Saturn's black carbon.

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The diamond held a place of honor in its religious use as a symbol of authority and as an intermediary between the human and divine worlds, as well as its importance in worship ceremonies and as an offering. In India, it is believed that treasures offered to images or shrines of gods bring good fortune to the generous donor, and that worshipping Krishna with a diamond can guarantee the impossible, or Nirvana, that is, eternal life in the highest of heavens.

Mentioned in the Talmud and the Bible as the sixth stone, yahalom, in the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, the Diamond was engraved with the tribal name Zebulun, and was reputed to show the guilt or innocence of an accused person. If the person was guilty, the gem would darken and lose its brilliance; but if the accused was innocent, elle Shone with tenfold glory. The diamond symbolized innocence, justice, faith, strength, and the impassivity of fate.

The Chinese legend speaks of a wonderful "Diamond Throne" which was located near the Tree of Knowledge, under the branches of which Gautama Buddha is said to have received his revelation of truth. It is said that the throne was built at the same time as the earth, and that its foundations were at the center of all things. It measured 30 meters in circumference and was made of a single diamond, remaining unshakeable even during violent storms and earthquakes. On this throne, the thousand Buddhas of the Kalpa rested and fell into the ecstasy of the Diamond. However, the world has since moved into the present and last age, and sand and earth have completely covered the throne so that it can no longer be seen by the human eye.

The tales of the "Valley of Diamonds" have been told in one version or another for nearly two thousand years, and even appear in the seventh voyage of Sinbad the Sailor in One Thousand and One Nights. According to Aristotle, the great philosopher, no one, except Alexander, has ever reached the famous valley - a gorge so deep that its bottom could not be seen, with snakes like no man had ever seen, nor could look upon without dying. Here, summer reigned for six months and winter for the same period. Aristotle tells that Alexander ordered a iron mirror to be brought and placed where the deadly snakes were, and when the snakes approached, they saw their own image in the mirror and caused their own death. Alexander then wanted to get the diamonds out, but nobody was willing to make such a deep descent. He sought advice from the wise, who told him to throw a piece of meat into the valley. He did so, and the diamonds attached themselves to the meat. Large birds of the sky seized the meat and brought it out of the valley, after which Alexander ordered his people to pursue the birds and collect the diamonds that had fallen.

In the Middle Ages, a diamond was reputed to be an antidote to all poisons when worn as a ring; however, if swallowed, it was considered the most deadly of substances. Many stories from this era report of diamonds crushed into dust and administered to unsuspecting victims, some of whom reportedly died, while others claimed it had no effect. It is reported that slaves in the mines swallowed whole diamonds in order to steal them and lived to recover their loot.

Since the works of Pliny the Elder in the 1st century AD J.-C., and authors throughout the centuries have attributed the diamond with the power to protect the wearer, to make them brave and daring, and if worn on the left side, to give them victory over their enemies, in court and in war, if their cause is just. Elle preserved him from quarrels, riots and wild beasts, and chased away ghosts, nightmares and fantasies. Elle It was of particular help to the mad or those possessed by the devil, and if a witch or a sorcerer cast a spell on a person who wore a diamond, all the pain and evil would fall back on the offender thanks to the stone.

According to a widespread superstition, the talismanic power of a diamond was lost if the stone was acquired by purchase. For one to be able to rely on its virtues, elle had to be given freely, otherwise the spirit inhabiting the stone, offended at having been bought and sold, would leave and leave nothing but an insignificant piece of matter behind. If, on the other hand, the diamond was offered as a token of love or friendship, the spirit would be quite willing to transfer its powers from one owner to another.

Due to its ability to attract energies, impressions and atmospheres from its environment, the Diamond is legendary not only for its virtues, but also for its phenomenal curses and the ultimate ruin of its successive owners. Translations, books and articles recounting these stories are very numerous.

The Hindus, who believed that the virtue of each precious stone depended on its perfection, considered that a defective diamond was so unlucky that it could even deprive Indra of his highest heaven. The shape, too, was of great importance, especially in antiquity where few, if any, stones were cut. A triangular stone was said toelle caused quarrels, from a square stone thatelle inspired vague fears in the one who wore it, and a five-angled stone thatelle had the worst effect of all, because elle brought death. Only the six-sided stone produced good.

The diamonds, as a stone of love and loyalty, are not only given in theengagement rings and traditional wedding, but it is the official anniversary stone for the tenth and sixtieth anniversaries.

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