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Propose to a man? And why not?

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Couple heureux après demande en mariage

The marriage proposal remains a symbol of commitment and love. An important moment in a couple's life, it marks a turning point in this romantic relationship. While the tradition of getting down on one knee to propose to one's sweetheart generally falls to the man, more and more women are eager to reverse the roles and take the bull by the horns. The idea of proposing to your man crosses your mind? Celinni reveals everything you need to know before taking action.

The marriage proposal, a deeply rooted tradition

Mise en scène originale pour demande en mariage

Despite what the most romantic among you might think, marriage proposals have not always carried the sentimental significance that they do now.elle is currently wearing. Indeed, in medieval times, choosing his wife for a young man meant serving the financial or strategic interests of his family. And the future bride, like the majority of women at that time, was rarely consulted, the final decision being made by her patriarch. Deal done!

However, starting from 1477, things begin to change. Maximilian of Austria proposes to Marie of Burgundy, his beloved, with a diamond engagement ring, and this practice gradually spreads within the higher echelons of society.

Over time, this romantic protocol for some, or completely outdated for others, has continued to evolve. From the most traditional to the most original, the marriage proposal has, however, remained the preserve of men. Thankfully, customs have changed! Nowadays, more and more women want to surprise their partner by proposing to them. So, why not you?

Asking a man to marry: the reasons

There are many reasons why a woman might wish to put a ring on her partner's finger. Some men, even though they have expressed to their girlfriends the desire to get married, hesitate because they believe the conditions are not right. Taking the initiative to propose to one's partner is a way to prove that one is capable of committing despite the constraints. But this is not the only reason. Indeed, those who have shaken tradition do not hesitate to invoke the fact that they no longer have time to wait. They want to formalize their union with their family and friends at all costs. Sometimes, a happy event (birth) or tragic event (illness) pushes the bravest among us to take action.

Some women also admit to taking their partner's words literally in order to decide. Because yes, a man can be flattered to be proposed to and although it is rare, express the desire to his partner. In this specific case, you will not need to wait for all the signals to be green to propose to your beloved.

Ultimately, the reasons matter little. If you feel a deep desire to get married, follow your instinct and take the plunge if it makes you happy!

But, how to propose to one's partner?

Femme demandant homme en mariage
Amis et famille réunis pour célébrer les fiançailles
Lieu symbolique pour une demande en mariage

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That's it, you're ready to take the plunge. But be careful, even if you are spontaneous by nature, a marriage proposal is not something to be improvised and requires some preparation. To turn this magical moment into an unforgettable memory, we advise you to take into account these few tips:

  • Review your partner's interests and select the one that will allow you to create an original marriage proposal. Are they passionate about football? The match of their favorite team will be the perfect opportunity. A fan of adventure movies? Organize a treasure hunt or a scavenger hunt! Personalization is indeed the key to a successful marriage proposal. However, if you think all these suggestions are a bit too daring, a candlelit dinner is also a good idea.

  • Find the perfect frame. It could be a symbolic or romantic place like where you first met or where you kissed for the very first time.

  • Be creative. There's no need to get down on one knee as tradition dictates. Even if it surprises your boyfriend, go for originality. Don't hesitate to use a video, a song, or take inspiration from the movie Love Actually and write your declaration of love on large sheets of paper. Guaranteed emotion!

  • Reach out to their loved ones. Try to get help in preparing your proposal. Friends or family members whom you have confided in can help plan this surprise or suggest some ideas to make your proposal one of a kind.

  • Choose the right moment. Before you propose to the one you love, make sure they are relaxed and avoid periods of stress or tension. Therefore, we advise you to opt for a weekend, your holidays or Valentine's Day to dazzle the love of your life.

But above all, don't forget to stay sincere, true to yourself and to have confidence in yourself so that emotion and happiness are present.

And what piece of jewelry should I offer to the gentleman on this occasion?

Bague de fiançailles pour homme

If the winning combo often rhymes with a diamond solitaire when a woman is proposed to, we are certain that this option will not delight your future husband. Therefore, we recommend you steer your choice towards gifts that will undoubtedly please the chosen one of your heart.

If you want to respect tradition and your man is used to wearing jewelry, he will surely be moved to receive an engagement ring. The most classic will thus be seduced by models set with discreet black diamonds. The more daring, on the other hand, will certainly be delighted to be offered a ring adorned with white diamonds. The main thing is to select a piece that will match your partner's tastes.

And why not bet on the elegance of a bracelet like our diamond river? Available in gold, yellow, white, gold or platinum, this accessory with subtle charm is sure to satisfy the most masculine. Moreover, this jewel, acclaimed daily by men, will bring an undeniable touch of chic to your spouse's suit on your wedding day.

Nevertheless, if all these proposals have not convinced you, we invite you to choose based on its style, cufflinks, a high-end watch, or a refined pen.

Although proposing to a man may seem surprising for the more traditional among us, times are changing! Thus, more and more women desire to shake up the custom and consider surprising their partner by asking that famous question: "Will you marry me?". Regardless of what one may think, this option remains a beautiful way to show one's love and commitment to their future husband. So, why not take the plunge and propose to your beloved to marry you?

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