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How can wedding jewelry tell your love story?

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Every love story and every marriage are unique. So, to tell the love that unites two people, nothing is better than choosing the jewel that perfectly reflects your feelings and also allows you to tell your own love story. For this, several criteria must be taken into account when choosing your wedding jewelry, and we will see them together.

The choice of alloy: meanings and messages

One of the first criteria for choosing a wedding ring is undoubtedly the alloy that will be used. This can be in yellow gold, white gold, rose gold or platinum, and each of them has a special meaning that will allow you to reflect fragments of your love story.

18 carat yellow gold, a strong symbol of love

The first alloy you can choose is also the most well-known, that is, 18 carat yellow gold. It is known for highlighting a strong love thanks to the purity of the diamond which is made from 75% gold, creating a link between the value of the diamond and that of your relationship, which is just as precious.

By choosing a yellow gold wedding ring, you express your commitment to your other half, and above all the solidity of your couple, in reference to that of the jewel as well. A real parallel is then created between what stems from your love story, and what yellow gold represents.

18 carat white gold, a message of elegance and strength

At Celinni, we also offer wedding rings made from white gold. This alloy highlights a certain modernity, thus representing a sophisticated love that can be described as more contemporary. But that's not all, it also underlines the complementarity that your couple forms.

Moreover, white gold is considered a rather neutral alloy, which consequently reflects a great adaptability, both for the ring and in your love relationship. Indeed, many diamonds can complement the ring thanks to white gold, which is particularly referred to with the neutrality of the jewel.

18 carat rose gold, the symbol of tenderness in a relationship

To conclude with gold-based alloys, let's discover what 18 carat rose gold means. The rather soft color that pink represents helps to highlight the tenderness and passion that are at the heart of your relationship. This alloy is therefore ideal for representing the elegance and tenderness of your love story.

Rose gold is also appreciated for its resistant and durable qualities, a nod to your couple who manages to go through the years thanks to your timeless love. These different symbols make rose gold a perfect choice to represent your love relationship through your marriage.

The platinum ring, symbol of eternal love

One of the first characteristics related to platinum material is its exceptional resistance and durability, which well represents the union and eternal love that brings two people together in a marriage. The connection that created your love story is thus highlighted by the platinum of your wedding ring.

Moreover, platinum has a rather luxurious connotation, showing in the same way that you have a high regard for your relationship. The durability of this alloy is thus a way to show that your relationship is based on solid and lasting foundations.

Which precious stone to illustrate your love story?

Once you have chosen an alloy that represents your love story and highlights traits of your personality and that of your couple, you must choose a diamond or a precious stone. For this, you have the choice between several stones which will also express different messages and symbols of love.

Faithfulness and sincerity, a proof of love expressed by the sapphire.

One of the most well-known diamonds is the sapphire. What has notably made its reputation is the fact that it represents loyalty and sincerity in a relationship. It can be of different colors, an additional element to consider in your choice.

At the same time, it expresses eternal love, strengthened by the bonds of marriage, and the feelings that led to the creation of a solid couple. Thanks to the sapphire, you express the trust on which your story is based, a reminder of the love you have for your soul mate.

The ruby: the symbol of passion

At Celinni, we offer you wedding rings with the precious stone ruby. By choosing the ruby, you highlight the fact that your relationship is passionate, that elle has been driving you since your meeting and that you wish to protect what is so precious to your eyes. The red of the ruby refers to love, to strength of character as well as to the strength of the feelings that bind you.

The emerald, a precious stone that shows your ability to evolve together

Finally, you can opt for the emerald, this green diamond of great beauty. This symbolizes how much you have been able to adapt to each other and to time to preserve your love. This stone carries a strong message, that of a relationship that is built day by day and continues to evolve.

Tell your love story by engraving a message on your wedding jewelry.

Once you have chosen an alloy that represents your love story and highlights traits of your personality and that of your couple, you must choose a diamond or a precious stone. For this, you have the choice between several stones which will also express different messages and symbols of love.

  • The number of characters in the message,
  • The font,
  • What you want to write,
  • A pictogram if you wish to engrave one.

By adding this engraving, you will make this jewel unique, and thus amaze your future wife even more. The choice of these settings must therefore be well thought out. In this way, it will allow you to tell your love story in an even more personal way. For the choice of engraving or message, you have several options including the simple fact of inscribing your initials and the date of your wedding, or the one of your meeting.

However, engraving a message is a unique opportunity to tell what unites you, or to show that your feelings are sincere and powerful. For this, we advise you to engrave a sentence, or a place more symbolic that is unique to you and that will highlight this more personal side of the wedding ring. And, by combining all these elements, from the alloy, to the precious stone through a engraved message, you can be certain that your ring will perfectly reflect the precious relationship you have with your other half.

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