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Engagement without diamonds: alternatives and meanings

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Your marriage proposal will be one of the most important moments in your life as a couple. This wonderful moment shakes up your daily life in every way. That's why, the ring with which you will propose should not be just any piece of jewelry. Elle must please your partner and symbolize your love.

While diamond models seem to be the best option, your chosen one may not be a fan of this wonder. In this case, here are some options that will allow you to choose a sublime alternative that will touch your partner.

Choose a birthstone

If your partner loves colors, they might be seduced by a gemstone.

These small stones will surely seduce the chosen one of your heart. Some being attached to a month, you can choose them for the date they represent, or for their symbolism.

Thus, these could move your chosen one during your proposal.

Existing birthstones

To be found in multiple colors, they are associated with months, but also with characteristics. In addition to making elegant jewelry, these precious stones will bring joy, courage or even inner peace to your chosen one.

Among the stones associated with a month, we can find:

The color of each stone, as well as the message that elle carries, will seduce your future fiancé(e). If they are also attached to jewelry with symbolism, these stones with multiple meanings will make them happy.

Celebrate the date of your union

Each stone being linked to a month, you just need to choose the one that is associated with the month you want to celebrate. If in doubt about which stone to choose, you can find on our website,  a tool that will allow you to know your birthstone. 

You just need to enter the symbolic date to know the stone associated with it. 

So, to celebrate the month of your wedding, the date you met, gemstones are ideal. 

Enter your dates of birth

If you wish to have a common engagement ring, you can each choose a ring adorned with the other's birthstone.

In this way, you will express your love to your chosen one. This proof of love will also allow you to benefit from a sumptuous piece of jewelry, on which is placed a quality stone, with multiple benefits.

A jewel symbolizing love

The ring your partner will wear will reflect what you feel for her. You can then turn to a ring that carries a stone symbolizing love. Although your partner is unique, there are several elements that will allow you to express your feelings.

The stone of love par excellence: Quartz

We often find it in colors such as pink or green. Quartz is refined and will make your jewelry a symbol of your feelings. Indeed, this stone is connected to the heart chakra. It symbolizes tenderness, love and gentleness. Its light color will allow your future wife to wear her ring daily.

The sublime Ruby

The ruby is a wonderful stone, with a very pronounced red. Once considered a talisman, it has also, for many years, been seen as the stone of marriage. It will therefore be perfect for an engagement ring. Your ruby will make your jewel as precious as your love, and will symbolize your eternal love.

The sapphire for eternity

If you would rather have a ring with a stone in cool tones, the sapphire is also a way to prove your love. This stone symbolizes eternal love and fidelity. Its sublime and deep color adorns many very elegant jewels. It's an excellent alternative to diamond. Thanks to its benefits, your fiancé(e) will gain confidence in herself, and develop her inner peace. 

Celebrate the personality of your loved one

The symbolism of stones is also a way to highlight a characteristic or quality that symbolizes your partner or your couple.

So, if you want to thank your partner for what he or she brings to you daily, or highlight one of the characteristics of your couple that makes your strength, stones will be an excellent choice.

Topaz for inspiration and generosity

If you want to show your loved one that she is your daily inspiration, the topaz is the best option. She also symbolizes the release of emotions and eternal relationships.

In addition to being of great value, the topaz will allow you to testify to your chosen one, contributed to your evolution and your fulfillment. This ring will be a magnificent proof of love.

The garnet for the strength of your relationship

Choosing a gemstone for your engagement ring is also a way to highlight what makes you a strong couple. There are many designs that will allow you to showcase the strengths of your relationship.

Jewelry in garnet, which you can find at celinni, will allow you to show that you and your partner, are stronger together by protecting each other from negative energies. This stone will also embody the energy that your couple holds thanks to the love you have for each other.

So, these gemstones will be a way to represent your couple in a sublime piece of jewelry, or the character trait that attracted you to your partner, and that makes you better every day.

More sober or personalized rings

Contrary to what one might imagine, not all gemstones are colored. If your sweetheart does not see herself wearing a colored jewel on a daily basis, you can then turn to a more sober ring. A white or solid stone with a personalization, will make this jewel, the symbol of your union.

Purity in a stone: the white sapphire

The magnificent white color of this gemstone will symbolize the purity of your union. The white sapphire will also be a form of protection for your loved one.

Indeed, one of its benefits is to protect from negative thoughts that can arise at any moment of the day. In addition to its beauty, this gemstone with a soft color, will allow you to provide additional protection to your future wife.

Custom creation for more personalization

In case you would prefer your ring to be plain and reflective of your union, there are several ways to personalize your jewel, available at Celinni.

Indeed, your ring can be completely reflective of your romantic relationship by being custom-made.

With expert guidance, you can create the perfect engagement ring. The jewel, the design, as well as the setting, it's up to you to choose the elements that will make up your creation.

In addition to being able to decide on the stone that will be placed on the jewel, you can add elements that only you and your partner would understand. On some models, it is also possible to engrave a date, a sweet word, or any other message that will touch your partner.

Unique and sumptuous, your ring will mark your love for eternity.

Even in the absence of a diamond, your ring will reflect the love you have for your partner.

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