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Aquamarine and Diamond: Ocean Dreams

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Thanks to jewelry, whether it's a necklace or a bracelet, it's possible to highlight certain pieces of an outfit, but also to express your personality by choosing jewelry that resembles you. These are usually adorned with precious stones, each offering a different color and meaning. Among the most popular are aquamarine and diamond. Let's explore in detail the subtle combination of these two stones, between elegance and timelessness.

Aquamarine: a combination of elegance and subtlety

Owning a piece of jewelry with a stone likeaquamarine brings elegance and subtlety to an outfit, particularly thanks to its unique color. In addition to an incomparable aesthetic, elle brings virtues and benefits.

A color similar to crystalline waters

We usually compare the color of aquamarine to that of crystal clear waters. This color is never the same since it depends on the amount of ferrous ions present in the gem. However, we often find shades that range from pale blue to blue-green. Moreover, a unique characteristic of the stone is its clarity and transparency, although some may have a slightly milky appearance.

Aquamarine belongs to the beryl family, like the emerald. Moreover, another stone from the same family has a similar color. While aquamarine has pale blue hues, Maxixe, on the other hand, has more intense blue hues.

The origin of aquamarine

The comparison of the color of this stone with crystal clear waters is no coincidence. The Latin origin of aquamarine is "aqua marina", which means "sea water".sea water"."

The aquamarine gets its origin during the crystallization of beryl, which is a mineral rich in aluminum and beryllium silicate, in very specific situations. This crystallization can occur in several cases:

  • Under the effect of high pressures and temperatures ;
  • In magmatic formation zones ;
  • In places where the erosion of bedrock rich in beryl creates alluvial deposits.

It is indeed thanks to these geological factors that the stone has such a special color.

The different shades and types of aquamarine

The different shades and types of aquamarine are determined by three factors: their color, their purity, and their saturation. There are more than a dozen different versions, but here are the most common ones in the jewelry market.

Firstly, we find those of a light shade or deep blue. The light aquamarine is characterized by its light blue color, often translucent. While the deep blue aquamarine is of a more saturated and intense blue. Another popular type is the bi-color aquamarine. For example, a stone can have a blue base with green shades at the end.

The most original is the aquamarine with inclusion. Generally, aquamarines are appreciated for their clarity and transparency, but some stones may have inclusions, that is to say, internal imperfections or foreign materials Trapped inside the stone. For example, it is possible to see forms of inclusions such as feathers or clouds. These imperfections give the gem an atypical and unique style.

The benefits of this precious stone

In addition to an elegant and subtle aesthetic, it is good to know that aquamarine is considered as a stone with magical powers. For decades, elle is considered one of the stones with the mostvirtues and benefits. . Elle is also widely used in lithotherapy, which is a therapeutic method that involves healing with crystals and stones.

More specifically, elle is bearer of joy and creativity. Moreover, elle has the ability to release emotions buried deep within us, which brings a sense of inner peace and calm.

Back then, sailors used this stone as a talisman to ensure a serene and untroubled journey.

Aquamarine and diamond: a perfect combination

The combination of aquamarine and diamond is perfect as the stones blend together very harmoniously, especially thanks to their contrast. Indeed, the color of aquamarine is synonymous with gentleness and soothing. While the diamond, with its sparkling brilliance, offers an elegant and aesthetic side.

That's not all, the association between these two stones enriches each piece of jewelry with a deep meaning. By combining the natural sparkle of the diamond with the translucency of the aquamarine, it creates a distinct and unique brilliance, which captures light in a more captivating way than a classic gem.

That's why this combination is used in a multitude of jewelry, particularly rings. Also, it's good to know that this combination pairs perfectly with every type of gold : white, yellow and pink.

At Celinni, we are convinced that if you want to show your love to someone, the combination of these stones is the ideal solution.

For what occasions is it appropriate to give a piece of jewelry with these stones ?

Giving a piece of jewelry or a set adorned with these precious stones is a symbolic gift. Although it is possible to give it for various occasions, know that some are more suitable than others.

The marriage proposal

Whether it's for a wedding or engagement ring, aquamarine and diamond are the stones you need thanks to their symbolism!

Aquamarine has become the symbol of fidelity between two young newlyweds. In this way, giving a ring adorned with aquamarine is considered a harbinger of a happy marriage. While the diamond is considered the ultimate symbol of love and commitment. It is a classic and timeless choice, but synonymous with pure love and lasting union.

That's not all, it's the perfect gift to celebrate wedding anniversaries, especially the years when beryl is associated. This is the case for the 19th wedding anniversary, also known as the "Beryl Anniversary". But also for the 23rd wedding anniversary, which is nicknamed the "Beryl and Ivory Anniversary".

You can also consider this gift if you wish to renew your wedding vows!

The Valentine's Day gift

Whether in the form of a ring, a necklace, earrings or a bracelet, a piece of jewelry adorned with diamonds and aquamarines is a gift that will make your partner's heart flutter. It will also be the testimony of a pure and sincere love every time it will be worn.

Its symbol is the same as for marriage, so it's a perfect gift idea for Valentine's Day, an annual celebration associated with love and romance.

Other occasions: birthday, Christmas...

Certainly, it is entirely possible to give this gift for other more traditional occasions, such as a birthday or during the end-of-year holidays.

Is it time to make a mark on your daughter's twentieth birthday or your partner's fiftieth? A piece of jewelry adorned with diamonds and aquamarines is the perfect solution, especially if it's a birthday being celebrated.March, since aquamarine is its birthstone. of this month! With such a gift, You unwaveringly prove your love next to a person.

Furthermore, offering a piece of jewelry adorned with aquamarines and diamonds is the best option to express your love for an individual, regardless of its form. Whether it's due to the symbolism of the stones or their unique aesthetic in the world of jewelry.

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