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Which knee to kneel on during a marriage proposal?

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The moment is approaching... You are about to propose to your partner... You know they are the right person and you want the event to be memorable. A memorable moment for both of you, a moment of love, tenderness but also stress. You want your proposal to be unforgettable, that elle goes perfectly. You want to do things right, and thus be best prepared for this moment. Nervous, you don't know which knee to kneel on... It's a complex question when you think about it in more detail. Don't worry! Celinni helps you prepare for this important occasion.

What is a marriage proposal?

A marriage proposal is typically a formal request, where one partner asks their other half to become officially their husband or wife. It is a moment that only lasts a few seconds, but is intense, romantic and very moving. A very personal moment, which varies according to many factors such as culture, desires or values of both parties.

Where does the tradition of the marriage proposal come from?

Some wonder when this custom, ingrained in many minds, dates back to, and what elle stems from. It is a very old and evolving habit over the centuries. This tradition dates back to the Middle Ages: the marriage proposal was a formal code when marriages were arranged, and the proposal was made directly to the parents.

Nowadays, this custom has been significantly transformed. It is a romantic moment, which binds the two partners.

The different codes to respect when proposing to your partner

The specific codes of a marriage proposal are not exhaustive, they depend on each tradition of different countries but also on the values of each couple, as each duo is unique. However, we can give you some elements to consider for planning your proposal.

First, even if traditionally, it is the future husband who kneels to ask for his future wife's hand, if you are the partner, don't be afraid to take the leap as well! There are no set rules indicating who should take the plunge. It depends on the personal preferences of both companions. So don't wait any longer and commit!

The second question you should currently be asking yourself is how? How to introduce this special moment? The first advice we would give you would be to prepare a short speech in case you lose your means on D-Day. It should be simple, short or long and detailed, it doesn't matter as long as it corresponds to you and your couple, and that it comes from the heart.

Finally, with what? What will be the highlight of this request? Of course, it will be the engagement ring. It is essential to choose a ring that your partner will like so that the element of surprise is maintained until it is revealed. To meet all expectations and the different tastes of our customers, Celinni offers many models of engagement rings on its site to suit all requests: yellow, white or pink gold, princess cut, cushion or round diamonds, and many more, enough to find your happiness! Emerald Diamond Solitaire Ma vie, Princess Diamond Solitaire Elle, or Heart Diamond Engagement Ring Promesse, are perfect examples to vary the pleasures.

Solitaire diamond emerald Ma Vie white gold Solitaire diamond princess Elle rose gold

Promise diamond heart engagement ring yellow gold

Where and when to propose?

The ring is chosen, you have the scene in mind, but another question arises: where? In what place to create this unique moment that will already bind you intensely? Choose an appropriate place that represents your couple. It can be a significant place between the two of you or simply a romantic place, the most important thing is that you both feel comfortable in this place.

There is no specific moment to ask your partner to commit for life. It depends on your expectations and those of your partner. You can wait for a certain anniversary or a date that marked your relationship, or simply launch without a specific reason, as long as this moment suits both parties. However, it is crucial to take into account the context, to avoid a moment of stress and professional or personal difficulties.

The final question: Which knee to kneel on?

In the past, the knee bent during a marriage proposal was a sign of obedience, devotion, respect, but above all loyalty. This tradition dates back to the medieval period, when knights would kneel to be knighted by their king or queen. Thus, the significance has remained intact, as the goal of marriage is to be bound, and to show all one’s respect to one’s other half forever. However, this is not the only interpretation given to this gesture. Indeed, the kneeling position during prayer is also another meaning, as well as the image of "submission" given to one's partner and that one devotes one's whole being to them.

If you want to follow the tradition to the letter, you should kneel on your left knee when you propose to your partner, and hold the ring box in your left hand, opening it in reverse with your right hand. However, the rule is not rigid. It usually depends on the most comfortable position for you. Some prefer to kneel on one knee, others on both. The important thing is that you are comfortable in your position.

As you will have understood, each proposal is unique. There are no strict rules to follow when proposing to your other half, even though it is important to carefully plan this moment. All you need to do is be yourself for the event to be memorable and go perfectly.

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>> What is the ideal place to propose?

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